September 2018


How to Plan Monthly EMIs So As to Not Let It Become a Strain On Your Finances

Everybody wants to have a new home or their own home and for that, they need fund, at times funding, becomes tormenting if it’s not planned in a certain way. Majority of people go to the bank for the house loan but the down payment and the EMIs give them heartache. The amount you pay on EMI depends largely on the

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Current RBI interest rates 2018

Different kinds of Interest rates fixed by RBI 1. Repo rate: We approach Bank or financial institution for the loan when we face financial crises, likewise when these commercial banks or financial institutions face a shortfall of money, they approach the central bank i.e. which is Reserve Bank of India in our country. Commercial banks also sell their government securities

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Fixed Vs Reducing Balance Loan EMIs

  It is common that a person while going to a bank for the loan would expect good interest rates and when the bank offers them attractive interest rates, they accept it. But there is an important aspect that needs to be given light on is the total EMI that the customer would be paying on the loan at that

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Reduce Your Interest Rate with These 3 Simple Steps

Usually, Home Loans is a package of a big amount and longer repayment tenure. Reducing home loan interest payment is something that should be considered seriously. If one is able to reduce the interest rate on monthly basis, On a whole, it would surely help in sizeable saving. A reduction in interest rate leaves a positive impact on borrowers. RBI

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Prepaying a Home Loan – Good Idea or Bad

Prepayment of Loan         Before reaching any conclusion, First, we need to understand what is meant by prepayment of a loan? Generally, Prepayment of loan means paying back principal amount of loan before fixed loan tenure. Everyone averse to being debt-ridden. A loan is a debt, that one literally wants to pay as soon as possible. Prepayment

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What’s More Beneficial? Home Loan Balance Transfer or Top-up Loan?

Home Loan Balance Transfer or Top-up Loan!!!! What is more beneficial??? It is a big and also a difficult question for everyone. We are trying to help to find the answer for this question. To find the best suitable answer, First we need to understand the exact meaning of “Home Loan Balance Transfer” and “ Top-up Loan” Home Loan Balance

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Factors Affecting Your Eligibility for a Loan Against Property

What exactly Loan Against property means? Loan against property refers to the amount you can borrow against your property. Banks provide loan against both commercial and residential property. Also, you can take a loan against your rented residential property, self- occupied property or vacant property. It could be piece of land or a house. The amount received as loan against property

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