Loan Against Property

the secured loan against your property

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What is Loan Against Property [LAP]

Loan Against Property (LAP) is a type of secured loan. A secured loan is a loan where the borrower mortgages his or her asset or property as collateral to the bank or the other lending institution. LAP could be used for several personal and professional needs such as house renovation, business expansion, purchase of a new machinery and other requirements. Typically the banks and other lending institutions offer loan against residential, commercial and industrial property.  A borrower usually gets a fixed percentage of the property value known as LTV (Loan To Value) as loan amount against the property. The loan to value (LTV) varies from one bank to another. Usually, the loan to value ranges from 40% to 70% of the property value. The borrower can continue using the property that is mortgaged with the bank for its respective use.

However, both LAP and Personal Loan could be used for personal and professional needs but the interest rates of LAP are comparatively lower than a Personal Loan. This loan variant can be availed by salaried, self-employed professionals and self-employed business owners. The banks offer LAP either at the fixed rate of interest or at an adjustable rate.Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!

Why we SRFinCorp?

The SRFINCORP team consists of experienced and service-oriented professionals who will help you choose the best loan offer to meet your specific requirement. They will analyze your financial and guide you throughout the loan process as well as any follow-up service requirements.

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